Published on: 07-03-17 02:50pm
UVdesk Helpdesk is integrated with eCommerce platform by which you can get the order details of any order id from any eCommerce platform like Amazon or eBay. The customer at the time of ticket creation can enter the order id and the name of the eCommerce Marketplace from where the purchase was done and then eCommerce App will fetch the data like shipping address, payment info and other info in the ticket system for the better assistance.
تبحث عن أي مادة محددة التي توجد في الاستفسارات العامة؟ مجرد تصفح مختلف المجلدات والفئات ذات الصلة وبعد ذلك سوف تجد المادة المطلوبة.
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