How to enable activity notifications?

Published on: 04-01-22 06:50pm

Aanchal Chaudhary

نشرت في - 04-01-22 06:50pm

Activity Notifications make sure you never miss any action performed on the ticket at any particular time by a specific agent. Instead of browsing through the ticket section to see any changes made, you can click on activity notification and get updates going on tickets. 

Steps to enable activity notifications :

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • On the Dashboard, you will see "SETTINGS" menu and under it, you will find "Company". 

  • You will be redirected to Company Setting Page, after which you need to click on Activities. 

  • Under the Activities Section, you can check the features for which you need notification updates and Save it. Right now, only company notifications are being enabled which are visible to Admin.

  • For Agents to see notifications, they can visit first Profile section on top of Dashboard. 

  • Under Profile section, they need to click on Activity Notification and can check all the features for which notifications are required. 

  • Next, you can go the dashboard, you will see "Bell" icon, upon clicking which you can see ticket updates going on as notifications. 


  • In order to filter the notification according to dates, agents or customer, you can click on "Show More" option which comes at the bottom of notification window.


  • Now you will be redirected to Show More Page. After which you can select the Filter View on the left-hand side of the page and see the notifications based on the filters applied. 

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