UVdesk - Branding of the portal

Published on: 12-10-21 01:40pm

Sushil k Saini

Udgivet på - 12-10-21 01:40pm

Steps for Branding of the portal:

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • On the Dashboard, you will see "SETTINGS" menu and under it, you will find "Branding".
  • Click on the "Branding" Icon and then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • In the new page, you will see a total of five tabs namely- General, Knowledgebase, SEO, Links, Advanced & Broadcast Message
  • Under "General" tab, the owner can upload Square Logo, Wide Logo, Website Status, choose Brand Color, enter Name, Subdomain & enter CName (Canonical Name Record).



  • Under "Knowledgebase" tab, the owner can select and set the color of below-mentioned option 
  1. Page Background Color
  2. Header Background Color
  3. Banner Background Color
  4. Page Link Color
  5. Page Link Hover Color
  6. Article Text Color
  7. Tag Line


  • In the Layout, the owner can select their preferred layout and in that style folders and articles will be displayed to the customer.
  • The owner can also select "Ticket Create Option" & "Login Required To Create Tickets". By selecting "Ticket Create Option", the user can see the button of creating a ticket on the front end and by clicking on "Login Required To Create Tickets", the customers have to sign in before creating any ticket
  • Owner can Remove Customer Login/Sign in Button 
  • Disable Customer Login if required for sometime
  • The owner can Remove “Powered by UVdesk” from Website and Email so that things could be set as per owner's requirement.


  • Under the "SEO" section, the owner can also set Meta Description and Meta Keywords.
  • Under the "Links" tab, the owner can enter the label and URL of Header Link and Footer Link. The owner can add multiple Header and Footer Links under this tab. 


  • Under the "Advanced" tab, the owner can add Custom CSS & Custom Javascript which will be reflected only on the front end knowledge base.

 Custom CSS & Custom Javascript

  • In "Broadcast Message", enter your Broadcast Message, select From & To Date and enable Broadcasting Status.  

Broadcast Message

  • The Broadcast Message will be displayed on your Front-end website and Knowledgebase for the customer(s) for example- registered_domain_name.uvdesk.com/en like the below image.

Display of Broadcast Message


In the case of any doubt, please do mail us at support@uvdesk.com and we will come up with a proper solution as soon as possible.

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