Bring the customer's query of your eBay Store under one such roof where you can provide them the supreme quality of support.
Distinguish the queries on the different parameters and filter them to speedup up the resolution time.
Remove unwanted or fake query by the Order Validation Process where you can fetch the order related data and messages on the support ticket and provide attention to the deserving customers.
With the help of eBay eCommerce App, the support staff can Fetch order details and messages on the UVdesk which will be fetched from the eBay Marketplace.
Let me explain the complete process in the detail below steps-
- Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
- On the Dashboard, you will see "APP CENTRE" menu and under it, you will find "eBay App".
- You will see four tabs- Overview, Documentation, Screenshots & Configure (after app installation).
- In the "Overview" section, you will see Install button.

- Click on that button and eBay App will get installed.
- Alternately, for uninstalling the app, go to eBay "Overview" section then click on Uninstall button.

- Under the "Configure", click on New Channel button.

- Enter Name, Site Code, App Id, Dev Id, Cert Id & RuName to add eBay Channel in the UVdesk.

- Login to eBay developer panel and follow the steps for the generating the IDs for App Id, Dev Id, Cert Id.
- Login to your Developer Panel. If you don't already have an account. create one.
- Once logged in successfully, click on Create a keyset under Production.
- Once your keyset have been generated for you, click on User Tokens next to App Id.
- Click on Get a Token from eBay via Your Application.

- Follow the further steps and then you will see RUName ( Redirect URL Name ).
- Select the "OAuth Enabled" option and then a pop-up will appear like below.

- Enter "Your auth accepted URL" & "Your auth declined URL" and select "OAuth" option and then click on Save button.
- In the Your auth accepted URL field set the following URL -
- In the Your auth declined URL field, set the following URL -

- After generating your RuName, save your channel settings and then you will be prompted to grant access to the application.
- After the successful configuration, you will see a success message on the UVdesk.
- Now, on the ticket system, the support staff can enter the Order ID and select the platform or the Marketplace and then click on Fetch Order.
eBay Message Integration:

Select the type of platform messages that you would like to be converted into tickets

- Order Feedbacks: Generate tickets for order feedbacks you receive from buyers of your products
- Ask Seller Questions: Generate tickets for queries you receive from buyers regarding your products
Once you have selected your preference for platform notifications, save your settings by clicking on "SAVE MESSAGE SETTINGS" to start receiving updates for such platform messages.
To manually process any recent messages you may have received, refresh your messages by clicking on "REFRESH MESSAGES" to process your recent platform messages into tickets.
- For platform message updates, only recent messages that you receive after updating your channel settings will be processed into tickets.
- Manually processing your platform messages may take up to a few minutes so it's suggested that you don't reload the page during this process.
In the case of any doubt, please email us at You may also check other Marketplace set-ups with Uvdesk.