UVdesk - How to add labels in a ticket?

Published on: 23-12-21 04:19pm

Himani Gupta

Publié le - 23-12-21 04:19pm

What are Labels?

Labels are "strings", which are used to classify the tickets for the better filter purpose and ticket management.

It makes easy to find those tickets on which you are working as they are marked on the label which you have created, without spending time in navigating all tickets.

How to create labels:

  • On the admin menu, click on Tickets.
  • In the left panel in the Ticket section, you will find the New Label button.

New Label

  • Enter Name and choose Color as per your need and click on the Create button.

Create Label

  • Go to the Ticket section and select the tickets you need and then put them in the preferred Labels.

Label Filter

  • Now when you will click on the selected Label, then you will see the list of tickets which are assigned to that particular label.

Apart from that, you can add a label from inside the ticket. Check the below screenshot for more details - 



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