Prerequisites - CENTOS7

Published on: 06-01-22 12:57pm

Himani Gupta

Publié le - 06-01-22 12:57pm

Composer Installation

Instruction Link:

LAMP Installation:

Reference Blog -


Restart apache service:

systemctl restart httpd.service


 Create a file:

sudo vim /var/www/html/info.php


This will open a blank file. We want to put the following text, which is valid PHP code, inside the file:



When you are finished, save and close the file.


The address you want to visit will be



IMAP and Mailparse Installation:


Mailparse Extention


yum install php-pecl-mailparse


IMAP Extension


yum install php-imap


Restart the Apache service


sudo systemctl restart httpd.service


Check the extension on


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