UVdesk - How to add tags to a ticket?

Published on: 31-12-21 12:40pm

Nirupama Shree

Publié le - 31-12-21 12:40pm

What are tags & its usage?

Tags are set of words that are used to add more meaning to the ticket and to make the ticket search easy. 

Tags Usage:

Tag helps to label any ticket with specific words making it easier to search any ticket from a chunk of ticket list as it has been tagged.

For example - If you want to tag all the support requests having a prime concern related to presale then you can tag those tickets as "Presale query" or "About presale". It will help a lot in ticket search.

Quicks steps for adding Tags:

The tags can be added manually to any ticket by the support staff or the administrator. Follow these simple steps to tag any ticket.

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • Go to the Ticket View and open a ticket as per your need. 
  • On the left side of the ticket, you will find the Tags box.

Ticket View

  • Enter the name of the tag which you want to add on that ticket and hit the enter button to save.
  • You can also view the list of added tags by following the path PRODUCTIVITY > Tags. 

Tag List


In the case of any doubt, you can email us at [email protected] and we will surely come up with a solution.

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