UVdesk - How to forward a conversation via ticket system?

Published on: 03-01-22 03:10pm

Sushil k Saini

Publié le - 03-01-22 03:10pm

The agent or the support staff can forward any conversation thread to another agent for the validation or other work from the UVdesk Helpdesk. The support staff or the agent can enter the custom subject line and add another agent in CC/BCC.

The support staff or the agent can enter the custom subject line and add another agent in CC/BCC.  The Forward option is available to the agent at the time of replying any ticket.

Steps to forward any conversation:

  • Open up the conversation which you would like to forward. There will be a tab for forwarding the conversation above the editor text box.
  • Select the agent whom you want to forward the conversation.
  • Enter the custom subject and you can also add the Cc and Bcc fields if needed.
  • Hit the Forward button and your message will be sent to the desired recipient.


In the case of any doubt or query, you can email us at support@uvdesk.com and we will surely come up with a solution.

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