How Can I Integrate Free Helpdesk System UVdesk with CS-Cart?

Published on: 03-08-23 04:19pm

Rohit Kashyap

Yayınlanan - 03-08-23 04:19pm

In order to integrate UVdesk with CS-Cart follow the below steps:

Step 1 - Login to UVdesk

Login to the UVdesk platform and then go to the Apps section.

Step 2 - View CS Cart Helpdesk App

Now type cs cart in the search. After that, you will see the CS Cart Helpdesk app. Next, you need to click on the View button.

Now go to Configure tab and then click View it on the Git button.

Step 3 - Download CS-Cart UVdesk Add-On from GitHub

After clicking the View it on Git button, you will arrive on the GitHub website. From here you need to download the CS-Cart UVdesk Add-On zip file. Here is the link -

 Step 4 - Install UVdesk Add On in CS-Cart

Now you need the install the downloaded zip file into your CS-Cart platform. So login to the CS-Cart Administration panel then go to Add-On > Manage Add-ons. After that click on the Gear icon button and select Manual Installation.

Now click the Local option and browse to your downloaded add-on zip file and then click on Upload &  Install button.

Once installed, your UVdesk add-on will be visible like this in CS-Cart:

Now you will need to enter the credentials. You will get the Access Token from UVdesk (explained in the next section).

Step 5 - Get UVdesk Access Token

To get the UVdesk access token, please log in to your UVdesk account and go to the Profile section.

After that click on the New Token button to create a new API Access Token.

Now you need to give any name and click on Save Token.

The user can see the new API access tokens created. So now you can copy them to be used for the UVdesk add-on configuration at the CS-Cart end.

For the rest of the process, please read the CS-Cart Free Helpdesk Ticket System documentation.

Thank you, if you need any further assistance, kindly contact UVdesk team.

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