How to broadcast message on your customer support panel?

Published on: 06-01-22 11:54am

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 06-01-22 11:54am

On the front-end of your customer support panel, you can broadcast any message or advertisement for a particular time duration. 

To broadcast a message, kindly follow the below steps: 

  • Log in to your UVdesk Helpdesk Dashboard.  

  • Go to Settings, and then click on Branding option.

  • Under Branding, click on Broadcast Message section.

  • Under Broadcast Message, you can set the message you want to display on front-end. Below that you can set time duration for which you want the message to be displayed and then tick the option Broadcasting is Active.

  • Now you can check front-end of your support panel, the message will be broadcasted above the header portion of the website.

For any query or concern, please mail us at




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