UVdesk - How to configure Zoho Mail with Mailbox?

Published on: 27-09-22 08:52am

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 27-09-22 08:52am

In this article, I will explain how to configure Zoho Mail with Mailbox.

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • Click on the "Mailbox" Icon and then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • Hit the "New Mailbox" button and then a pop-up will come up.
  • Enter Mailbox Name & Mailbox Address and then hit on Proceed button.

New Mailbox

  • After that, another pop-up box will come where you have to copy the secret mail provided which you will use for email forwarding.

  • Now login into your Zoho Mail Account and on the top right side you will see Setting Menu and click on that.

  • Now click on the Mail accounts -> Forwards tab and add or paste here the email address in the " Reply to email address" option:

  • Now, click on the Verify Link and then you will receive a confirmation code. You have to paste it and confirm and then emails sent to the Zoho email address will be forwarded to the Ticket System as tickets.



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