Merge account with any other pre-existing accounts

Published on: 06-01-22 12:19pm

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 06-01-22 12:19pm

How to Merge your account with any other pre-existing accounts that you might have?

  • Login to your Twitter Account.

  • Then, log in to your customer support helpdesk panel from your Twitter Account.

  • After login click on Accounts to get Merge Account Token.

  • Now, Copy Merge Account Token.

  • Open your pre-existing UVdesk account.

  • Then, Use this key to merge your account with your pre-existing account.

Use this key to merge your account with any other pre-existing account you might have. To merge with another account, go to the account's profile and click on "Merge Account". When requested for a merge token, use this token to merge this account with the other account.

Note: This is a one-time use only token. Once the token has been used, a new token will be generated.

In the case of any doubt or concern, please email us at and we will surely come up with the best solution possible.

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