How can I upgrade my plan from Basic/Free Plan?

Published on: 18-07-23 01:37pm

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 18-07-23 01:37pm

As the owner logins into the UVdesk Portal, it will get Plan Summary on the right-hand side. Click on the Upgrade Plan button and then it will be redirected to a new page. 

The owner will be redirected to a new page which has Pro & Enterprise plans, its features, and Purchase button. Tick on the Purchase button of the plan as per the need of the system.


After clicking on Purchase button, it will be redirected to the Payment Information page. Enter the Billing Cycle, Agents, TIN and Billing Address and then click on the Purchase button.



You will be redirected to the payment information page after clicking on the Purchase button. Here you need to fill out the payment information such as plan, agents, billing cycle as shown below.


After that the user need to fill out the billing address.


Now, after filling the required information, the user need to choose the payment method, to complete the payment either Paypal and Stripe.



Once the payment is done, then user can able to enjoy the helpdesk services.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope that this will help you to get valuable knowledge. If you need assistance feel free to contact us at

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