UVdesk - eCommerce App Integration with Reverb Store

Published on: 20-10-21 12:43pm

Sushil k Saini

Yayınlanan - 20-10-21 12:43pm

There are cases of bogus issues also which waste a lot of time of the support staff.

In order to validate the customer, we have Reverb App in which the support staff or the agent can fetch the order related details from the Reverb to the ticket system of UVdesk directly.

In this way, no genuine customer will be missed and the agent can avoid the fraud cases.

Let me explain the complete process in the detail below steps-

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • On the Dashboard, you will see "APP CENTRE" menu and under it, you will find "Reverb".
  • You will see four tabs- Overview, Documentation, Screenshots & Configure (after app installation).
  • In the "Overview" section, you will see Install button.


  • Click on that button and Reverb App will get installed.
  • Alternately, for uninstalling the app, go to Reverb "Overview" section then click on Uninstall button.


  • Under the "Configure", click on New Channel button.

New Channel

  • Enter the Channel Name and click on Add Channel button.

Add Channel

  • Now, you will be redirected to the Seller Account of Reverb. Login and permit UVdesk App to Access your account.


  • After the successful configuration, you will see a success message on the UVdesk.
  • Now, on the ticket system, the support staff can enter the Order ID and select the platform or the Marketplace and then click on Fetch Order.

In the case of any doubt, please email us at support@uvdesk.com You may also check other Marketplace set-ups with Uvdesk.

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