Published on: 30-08-22 10:28am
Magento V2 App integration is really easy with your Magento V2 Webstore. Just a few steps and then you are ready to fetch the order related details from your Magento V2 Store to Ticket System.
You just have to connect your Magento V2 Webstore Channel with the UVdesk and then you are ready to fetch the order related information on the tickets.
This app will assist the support staff or the agent to differentiate between authentic and fake customer by fetching the order related details on the ticket and save the time of the staff.
Let me explain the complete process in the detail below steps-
You have to follow the steps mentioned in the UVdesk Panel as well for configuring your Magento V2 Application.
Login to your store's Admin Panel.
Once logged in successfully, go to System -> Extensions and click on Integrations.
On the Integrations Page, click on Add New Integration.
Under the Integration Info section, fill out the necessary details as necessary (you don't need to fill the Callback
URL and Identity link URL).
Under the API section, enable Sales to be able to retrieve order-related resources.
Click on Save and your Integration will be saved.
Under Integrations, select the newly created integration and click on Activate.
Copy these details and click on Done to save your integration.
After the successful configuration, you will see a success message on the UVdesk.
Now, on the ticket system, the support staff can enter the Order ID and select the platform or the Marketplace and then click on Fetch Order.
In the case of any doubt, please email us at You may also check other eCommerce Stores set-up with Uvdesk.
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