UVdesk - OneDrive

Published on: 04-01-22 05:12pm

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 04-01-22 05:12pm

OneDrive offers users a simple way to store, sync and share all kinds of files, with other people and devices on the Web.

For providing endmost customer support you will be always in need to keep and share files of different size. You can add attachments from you OneDrive Account with the no size limit.

OneDrive integration with UVdesk is a new notion and troublefree to set, then you will be able to keep or share files that too without size limitation.

Let me explain the complete process in the detail below steps-

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • On the Dashboard, you will see "APP CENTRE" menu and under it, you will find "OneDrive".
  • You will see 3 tabs- Overview, Documentation & Configure
  • In the "Overview" section, you will see Install button.
  • Click on that button and OneDrive will get installed.


  • Alternately, for uninstalling the app, go to OneDrive "Overview" section then click on Uninstall button.


Configuring your application:

  • Configuring and installing OneDrive App is simple.
  • Just Install this App to Start Adding Attachments from Your OneDrive Account.


  • After Installing this app, Agent(s) and customer(s) can add Attachments from OneDrive in their tickets and replies.


Note: Added attachment are hotlinked to onedrive, so change in source file will change file here. Also, these attachments will not be sent in mail.

In the case of any doubt or query, you can email us at support@uvdesk.com and we will surely come up with a solution. 

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