Published on: 20-10-21 12:56pm
By the help of Translate Content App, the support staff or the agent can translate their ticket reply or the Knowledgebase Article on the editor itself.
Just enter the content then select the content and then choose the language from the Translate drop-down in which you want to translate the content for the ticket reply or the Knowledgebase Article and it will be done.
Let me explain the complete process in the detail below steps-
Usage of Translate Content App:
While replying to any ticket, the agent can enter the content in their language and then select the content. Now go to the "Translate" drop-down in the editor and choose the language in which they want to translate the content.
It will save a lot of time of the agent as the translation will be done on the same page and there will be no need of copying the complete reply and pasting on another editor for the translation.
While adding any Knowledgebase article, the agent can enter the article content in their language and then go to the "Translate" drop-down in the editor and choose the language in which they want to translate the content.
On the left panel of Article, there is Language drop-down in which "Default" option is selected by default. The agent can select the desired language from that drop-down and write the article from scratch in the selected language.
In the case of any doubt, please email us at
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