Why my mailbox is showing unverified?

Published on: 05-09-23 10:30am

Himani Gupta

Yayınlanan - 05-09-23 10:30am

Usually while setting up mailboxes on UVdesk, you end up setting email mailbox in UVdesk but forget to do the configuration in your email service provider. 

Steps to set up a mailbox using Yahoo Mail:

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • Click on the "Mailbox" Icon and then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • Hit the "New Mailbox" button and then a pop-up will come up.
  • Enter your Mailbox Name and mailbox Address and then hit on Proceed button.

In order to verify the mailbox just follow the steps:

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • Click on Mailbox, and then in the mailbox that is showing unverified, click on the Edit option.
  • You will be redirected to the mailbox page on which you have to look out for the secret email address. 

  • Now just follow the link Configure Mailbox and then whatever your email service provider, you have to follow the steps according to that to do configuration on your email service provider. 

In case of any doubt or query, kindly raise a ticket at support.uvdesk.com. 

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