Can we create help desk form and connect to website?

Published on: 17-08-22 12:40pm

Aanchal Chaudhary

Yayınlanan - 17-08-22 12:40pm

You can use the Form Builder Application of UVdesk to create help desk form and connect to your website. 

You can make use of Form Builder App which is safe and a new ticket is created when any users submit the form. In this way, a separate ticket would be created which will look standard and its management will be easy. You can reply to the queries via the ticket and the customer will get the reply to their email address only. If the customer has any other doubt, they can ask from the mail only and the query will get updated on the ticket system automatically. By the help of Form Builder App, you can create multiple forms for your website for different purposes like you can create one form for the feedback, another form for any other services as per the requirement.

In case of any doubt or concern, please mail us at


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