Published on: 14-10-21 12:28pm
For streamlining the work process and delivering awesome support, it's essential to integrate communication at one place because clients use the diverse medium to approach the support whether it may be the web, email or social media.
By the help of Facebook App, the comments & post will be transformed into tickets and can be viewed by the agents from their service portal account.
For the installation and configuration of the Facebook App, please click here.
Why taking your business on social media?
Social media plays an indispensable part in the present situation. It is surely a great platform where you can promote your business and generate more traffic for your site.
It's a chance for improving your business identity, reaching out to new customers and engaging potential customers for developing business relationships.We will get to know in which section they are facing the issue and offer them the quick help.
How Facebook App provides awesome support?
The comments & post of the users within the post of the company or individual post of the visitors will be converted into tickets and automatically forwarded to the ticket system of the company.
In this way, you'll never miss out a single conversation or requests of the clients as “every lead is important in B2B business”. The admin/agent can reply from their ticket system.
If you are a new user not registered with us then your wall post will make you registered with us and in the next thread, you will see the link to access your UVdesk account.
They can even login into their support portal and check the progress of their queries with their Facebook credentials.
In the case of any doubt, please drop us a mail at
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