UVdesk- How to add a Folder?

Published on: 22-12-21 10:35am

Sushil k Saini

Yayınlanan - 22-12-21 10:35am

What is a Folder?

The folder can be created as per the requirements of the department related to various issues. Under Folders, multiple categories can be created and within categories, relevant articles are added.

The support agents if they have a privilege can add and organize solution articles as folders within the support portal so that your customers can quickly browse through them in their self-service portal.

Steps for creating Folders:

  • Login to your UVdesk Support Panel.
  • On the Dashboard, you will see "KNOWLEDGEBASE" menu and under it, you will find "Folders".

  • Click on the "Folders" Icon and then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • You will see a grid of existing folders with its Categories & Articles.

  • Click on "New Folder" button to add a new Folder.
  • Enter Name, Description, upload Folder Image, and select the Status as Publish or Draft of the Folder from the drop-down.
  • When the status is Publish, then the folder will be displayed on the front-end.

  • Click on "Save Changes" to save information and create a new Folder.


In the case of any doubt or concern, you can email us at support@uvdesk.com and we will surely come up with a solution.


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