Is eCommerce App Integration with UVdesk a free service ?

Published on: 31-12-21 12:04pm

Himani Gupta

Veröffentlicht auf - 31-12-21 12:04pm

eCommerce App Integration with the UVdesk Helpdesk is a free service. The store owner can integrate the eCommerce App for Marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Flipkart and much more. 

eCommerce App also integrates with Magento2PrestashopWooCommerce, CS-Cart, etc web stores. 

The store owner must have Pro or Enterprise Plan of UVdesk for the eCommerce App Integration and then it can get the order details of any order id from any eCommerce platform or Marketplace on the ticket system.

 If having any kind of concern or queries you are having then drop us an email at



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